head Calvada Surveying, Inc: High Definition Laser Surveying - Its Uses and Applications

Monday, 3 February 2014

High Definition Laser Surveying - Its Uses and Applications

High definition laser scanning is being used in surveying since 1998. Laser scanning, a comparatively new technology, is being used as a precise survey instrument these days and has made the concept of high definition laser surveying popular. Laser surveying is rapidly becoming the new industry standard as a tool for making extremely accurate measurements in relatively complex environments. This is exactly why the use of this laser technology is the most prudent solution when it comes to measuring as-built conditions inside buildings. This instrument can collect survey data points at an incredibly fast pace.

Use of high definition scanning or 3D laser scanning in surveying is going to become the norm very soon.

This technology can be used for:

a.            Detailed Measurements

b.            Historical Preservation

c.            Construction Progress

d.            Surveying difficult-to-access areas

e.            Digital 3D Photos

f.             Record Exact Data

g.            Reduce Site Visits

h.            Changes View to Real-Time 3D

i.              Video of Surveys

j.             JPG and MP3 Files

Uses of the Laser Technology:

i.              Volumetrics

ii.             Accident Reconstruction

iii.            As-Built

iv.           Change Detection

v.            Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing As-Builts

vi.           Structural As-Builts

vii.          Hazard Surveying

viii.         Catastrophic Event Mapping

ix.           Registered Photo Video Co-ordinates

This high-definition laser technology produces accurate final survey documents. 

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