head Calvada Surveying, Inc: 3D Scanning Service and its Use on Your Dream Projects

Friday, 31 October 2014

3D Scanning Service and its Use on Your Dream Projects

3D laser scanning uses high definition surveying technologies to ensure precise recordation of survey data. It has been around since the late 1990s, quickly rising to fame as an industry standard in making accurate measurements, especially in complicated environments. 3D surveying and laser scanning is used for a wide range of applications in almost all industries. The technology lends the best benefits to land surveying and property development, as it is used to collect survey data points over a wide range of environments.

Special scanners can be used to perform topographic and location surveys, collecting roadway and property profiles, volumetrics, as-builts (mechanical electrical plumbing and structural), change detection, hazard surveying, catastrophic event mapping, registered photo video coordinates, accident reconstruction, historical preservation, detailed measurements, an monitoring construction progress, among many other applications.

The future of construction monitoring, property inspection, and cost-effective land survey work, 3D scanning offers a wide range of other advantages including:

•    Cost-effective topographic surveys and as-builts
•    Reduced return trips to job sites
•    Complete and accurate as-builts as needed for retrofit design projects. This allows for better precision when it comes to factory fabrication of custom-designed pipes and fittings as opposed to more costly field fabrication.
•    Reduced downtime, thanks to unobtrusive and highly efficient scene capture Field rework is also avoided, thanks to improved accuracy

3D scanning services also offers many other value-added benefits, including reduced field time and shorter project cycle times, improved results in terms of quality and precision, less ambiguous and more complete data, higher level of detail, unobtrusive and safer data capture, error-free and highly accurate results, and compatibility with external software. Scanned data can be used to create a wide range of end products, ranging from blue prints to solid scale models for easy visualization of data.

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