head Calvada Surveying, Inc: September 2016

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Environmental Land Survey and Its Utilities

Environmental surveys are performed to identify and investigate the impact of environment factors on construction and real estate projects. It also determines the effect of the construction on the environment. The activities associated with the survey depend completely on the surveyor and the project itself. Environmental surveyors have different approaches and peculiarity in different areas. The field of environmental survey is entirely different from environmental consultancy. However, if required, it may be involved in the process.

Environmental land surveys determine where your property premises begin and end. Environmental surveys are applicable in engineering, land development, real estate, and telecommunications industries. Environmental surveys support in subdivision planning and also contribute to ecological services. Environmental surveys are used in environmental industries for geo-tracker reporting as well as monitoring, earth quantity calculations, topographic calculations, as-built surveys, and construction surveying. With so many applications, professional surveyors are capable of dealing with any type of situations pertinent to the job.

Topographic surveys are an important aspect of environmental land surveys. The purpose of topographic surveys is to analyze the geographical condition of the land and provide relevant data which will be used for identifying the map and land figuration. Environmental land surveys, combined with topographic surveys, are an important part of any project’s planning phase. The survey is conducted on and above the ground level which includes the examination of all possible aspects such as walkways, soil density, manholes, and trees.
Environmental land surveys also cover a boundary survey which identifies, measures, analyzes and reports the location of land’s boundary lines. It can reveal the encroachments on the land. It is performed according to various technical standards. That is why you need professional and experienced surveyors for it. They will observe the land, perform surveys, and use resources available at state, county, and local agencies to locate maps, deeds, and wills that can define the location and rights of the land.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Importance of Boundary Line Surveys

The American system of private property refers to the boundaries between the parcels. Without the boundaries, disputes and misunderstandings are certain to occur. That makes it crucial for landowners to understand the limits of their property. If the knowledge of these limits is inconsistent or of questionable accuracy, a boundary survey is required.

A boundary survey is directed towards the formal establishment of a particular property. The most important aspect of any boundary survey is to define the corners of the property. But it should also outline the extent of the property. When a boundary survey is completed, the new map of the property is updated with the new boundaries. Depending on the local system and regulations, the surveyor can also create a physical record of the survey on the land. This can turn into an erected fence or series of stakes.

A boundary survey holistically determines the legality and integrity of any property. Its importance can be understood with following points.
  • It determines the exact boundaries of any property which you are buying or selling.
  • It shows easements for utilities like water, power lines, and sewers.
  • It can identify encroachments such as driveways, fences, or buildings on the property.
  • It can also identify and resolve possible boundary disputes.
  • Boundary surveys help in dividing the parcel of the land.
  • It proves helpful when expanding building structure or making improvements to the property ensuring that all the work is done in the correct area of the land.
Boundary survey meets the regulation of a particular state where the ALTA stands across the nation. The process of the boundary survey begins with the research and coordination of municipal, local, county, and state authorities.  The pre-survey may include the history of adjoining lands. This research can provide useful insight into possible conflict areas where the attention is needed. Once that is satisfactorily completed, the next step is to perform a physical ground survey.