Part of responsible home ownership is knowing everything about your property, including its legal description, precise measurements, where it starts, and where it ends. This knowledge makes you a smarter and responsible homeowner than other property owners. However, most people hire a professional surveyor only when they encounter common property boundary issues, when in fact, a residential property survey must be conducted, even before constructing anything on a parcel of land. Here are few points that can help you understand the significance of a residential property survey:
- It is not merely a measurement of property boundaries – A residential property survey will not merely calculate the boundaries of your land. It is a complex procedure that involves research and analysis of the land before determining the property's plot and boundaries. Professional land surveyors look up previous surveys conducted on your land too, since these may influence current land conclusions.
- In can be conducted for other reasons, too – Residential property surveys are typically ordered before building any property or in the case of dubious lands, but they can be conducted for other purposes like property line staking, foundation location surveys, lot splits, as-built surveys, and house site plans. Seasoned land surveyors use state-of-the-art equipment and innovative technology to take precise measurements of your property and determine other issues that may be related to your land.
- Get advice on the differences between existing and previous land records and surveys – Land surveyors will measure and determine every location several times before getting the average to determine the accurate location of the points on a map. Likewise, they will advise you if they find any changes or differences in the current survey and the previous land survey. An example of such as situation is when a neighbor has encroached on your property or has built a fence within your boundary.